tisdag 10 september 2013

Extend JQuery UI dialog

ref: http://stackoverflow.com/a/17763712

var defaults = {
  autoOpen: false,
  draggable: false,
  resizable: false,
  closeOnEscape: true,
  modal: true,
  height: 'auto',
  width: 200,
  position: ['top', 150]
and then use $.extend with the specific options you want to override:
$('.detail-view').dialog($.extend({}, defaults, {
  width: 600
$('.forgotpass').dialog($.extend({}, defaults, {
  width: 400
You could encapsulate this in a function:
function createDialog(selector, options) {
    $(selector).dialog($.extend({}, defaults, options));

createDialog('.detail-view', {
  width: 600
createDialog('.forgotpass', {
  width: 400
Or of course if it's just width:
function createDialog(selector, width) {
    $(selector).dialog($.extend({}, defaults, {width: width}));

createDialog('.detail-view', 600);
createDialog('.forgotpass', 400);

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